Komar Family

Our Family:
We have five children, all are adopted, they are Native American and Hispanic. Our oldest son turned 9 in December, the next son was 8 in September. We also have 3 daughters’ ages 4, 2 and 6 months old. Some of their issues are drug exposure in utero, Speech & Language Delays, Low Muscle Tone, Conceived in Sexual Assault, Abandoned at hospital. Jackie is a social worker and Paul is a teacher.
Our Desire to Adopt:
We feel that “we have room” for one or two more children in our family. Because of the extra cost and time required to adopt Native American children, we see the need to provide them with safe homes, and we love children. Being parents is the greatest blessing of our lives. It brings us so much joy to see the love our 5 (adopted) children have for each other. We feel our family is incomplete.
As experienced parents we are open to messy situations. We trust that God will bring to our family the child/children we are meant to parent.
Our family is open to Adoption, Disruption of children 0-4 years old with mild special needs, that are Caucasian, Native American, Bi-racial, Asian American, Hispanic/Latin.
We are also willing to offer support and/or counseling to a Birth-Mom considering abortion or who has had an abortion, Birth-Moms/Parents considering placing their child, yet are undecided, Parent(s) who are considering disruption/respite.
Our Faith:
We are devout practicing Catholics. We love God and pray daily. Our Faith Guides our life choices. I believe God has another child meant for us.
Dear Birth Mom/Parents:
God Bless you and help you make the best decision for your life and the life of your child/children.