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Help birth-parents choose life for their babies with special needs 



CHASK is an organization that helps babies, born and unborn, find loving, Christ-centered homes. In CHASK’s world, there are no waiting babies. For the past 13 years, birth parents thinking about choosing adoption for their child, receive several CHASK profiles of ready-to-adopt Christian families within just a few hours after contacting us. We don’t delay paperwork. Termination decisions are often made quickly.



Through you, Christ’s love speaks loudly to those who are going through deep sorrow and even embarrassment for some families. This very love also enables CHASK families to sit down with a birth mom, even after an abortion, and wrap our arms around a girl and cry with her as she sobs over the loss of her baby. Thank you for making these loving arms available to her.


We stand here at CHASK with your support, watching the decisions made by birth parents between life and death. We agonize with birth mothers as they realize their baby has an imperfection and will not be born whole. We sigh with happy relief, as mothers choose to let their baby’s heart continue beating. Every week stories and circumstances change, the disability may be different, but all are real life, right now being experienced by real people. Thanks to you, because of your financial support, we charge no fees; not to adoptive parents nor to the birth parents. CHASK walks hand-in-hand with birth parents that have a very hard decision to make. We want to help them find God’s will.


Please consider sharing with birth parents though CHASK today. Your donation makes CHASK’s one-on-one counseling available to birth moms.  Here is a recent e-mail from a birth dad, reaching out to you for help:


“My heart is breaking as I write this e-mail to you. My wife and I adopted a little boy several years ago with spina bifida. Joey is a real treasure to us. He is now 6-years-old. His physical needs are great, but his happy smile is precious. 

Sadly, I have been diagnosed with a terminal illness and have just a few months to live. My wife has her own limitations and we both feel that finding a loving adoptive home for Joey will be best for my wife, our family, and for Joey. Right now we desperately wish things were turning out different, but this is the path that we have to walk.  

Before I pass away, my wife and I would like to see Joey settled and loved in his new home. We are a Christian family and it is very, very important that Joey continues in the faith. We cannot imagine placing him with a family that does not love Jesus.  

We would only ask that my wife could have future contact that she could continue to see him doing well. I know this will be healing for her.” 

“Can you help us?”


CHASK compassionately counseled this birth family on the phone right after getting the e-mail. Via our CHASK web site, within just few hours, several beautiful, Christ-centered, CHASK families stepped forward. Just 4-days-later a family was chosen to continue on with Joey’s care. We trust that the Lord will give Joey’s original adoptive family everything they need to navigate the path of grief. Joey’s new CHASK family is just 30-miles-away.  The CHASK family has made a commitment to be there for Joey’s mom and for the family as needed. This continued relationship will be strength to Joey’s mom and family.


CHASK saves lives of babies, but also mentors and shares with birth parents that decide to parent their new child with special needs.


Today, with your help, National Challenged Homeschoolers Association (NATHHAN) continues to share resources and encouragement with thousands. Through NATHHAN’s Website birth parents get needed how-to’s and personal stories about teaching and training special needs children from a Christian perspective. They read about you…about the way you have stood strong for your children.


Can you give a gift of $100, $50 or $25 right now? Because NATHHAN/CHASK rely solely on your gifts to stay open, our ability to share with each birth mom is up to you.

Tom Bushnell – Director NATHHAN/CHASK


(NATHHAN/CHASK is a 501 (c) (3), not-for-profit organization. Your donation is tax deductible.)



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